Hi applicants,

Thank you for your interest in applying to the CSS E-Board! The 2021-2022 applications are now open.

Details can be found below.


Application Timeline


9/24 - 9/29

  • Meet-the-Eboard events organized by current E-board members.

  • Applications close on 10/1.

It is highly suggested that you attend one of these so you can meet the people you’ll be working with, and plus we get to see you :)


  • Interviews for shortlisted candidates.

  • Results will be posted shortly after!

These are casual conversations about who you are and your duties at CSS. No need to prepare for them, and no need to bring your resume either!

10/4 - 10/5

  • Welcome to the team!

Don’t be too disappointed if you weren’t able to join E-board this year! It is in no way a reflection of you as a person and individual. We hope that you’ll continue coming out to our events and try again next year!


Sign ups for Meet-the-Eboard events can be found on our Instagram page!

Open Positions:


Event Logistics Shadow (1 spot)

Assist Event Logistics Chair with important event logistics such as Kimmel room bookings, venue arrangements, etc.

Event Planning Shadow (1 spot)

Assist Event Planning Chairs with organizing virtual and in-person events, such as setting up rooms, choosing food, reaching out to guest speakers or performers, etc.

Graphic Design Shadow (1 spot)

Assist our Graphic Design Chair and help design event graphics, CSS merchandise, Instagram & Facebook posts, and more.


Marketing Shadow (2 spots)

Assist Marketing Chair with CSS social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Mailchimp, and Squarespace.

Secretary Shadow (1 spot)

Assist Secretary with notes & attendance during E-Board meetings, etc.

Treasurer Shadow (1 spot)

Assist Treasurer with reimbursements, receipts, and event budgeting.


Note: A “shadow” will be taking on the “chair” position in the following semester/year.



Applications close at 5:00pm ET, October 1st.